Friday, April 24, 2009

too quiet

after reading psalm 71 this morning, i was convicted that i have been too quiet.

"But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.
My mouth will tell of your righteousness,
of your salvation all day long,
though I know not its measure." (v.14,15)

the words "praise" and "tell" stood out to me in this amazing verse, but as i read the rest of the psalm, more and more stood out:

tell of your righteousness
proclaim your mighty acts
proclaim your righteousness
declare your marvelous deeds
declare your power to the next generation
declare your might to all who are to come
praise you with the harp for your faithfulness
sing praise to you with the lyre
shout for joy
sing praise to you
tell of your righteous acts all day long

what do i speak of, think of, talk of all day long?

simply put, i have been too quiet.

what might acts, marvelous deeds, displays of power and might do i have to share that God has done in my life or my midst? MANY!

healthy babies born, relationships restored, prayers answered, hearts changed, souls saved, families having houses to live in, illnesses healed, jobs provided...

seeing the power and magnitude of multiple thunderstorms this week...seeing the power and might of God throughout the old testament...

seeing Him at work in my heart and our daughter's, as i continue to learn how to parent, teach, train, correct and love elise better.

let's not be too quiet to sing and praise Him today
and to tell, declare and proclaim Him all day long.

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