Friday, November 13, 2009

sleeping in a big girl bed

this picture pretty much says it all. i cannot grasp that my little baby girl is sleeping in a big girl bed. she's doing beautifully with it too! she doesn't even try to climb out (i need to prepare myself now, that when isaac gets to this stage, he probably won't be so content to stay in!). we are going to be getting all of my old furniture set, that i had when i was growing up. so this bed is a stepping stone to prepare her for the big bed she'll get down the road. unbelievable how quickly they grow! (thanks to our friends, kim and jason, for giving us this crib/toddler's been a Godsend!)

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

it's crazy isn't it! I can't believe is next step is a REAL bed!!