Friday, August 27, 2010

the Father's love

emotions and feelings swirl in my head and heart this morning...tiredness, temptations toward pity parties because i've been up so long already and it's only 6 am, fear, anxiety...but Lord, You are faithful to use Your active and living Word to draw me back to the truth on which i prayer today is that You would give me glimpses of Your love and Your heart towards me all the day long...and to begin, You have this song playing in my head...

It's Heaven's perfect mystery
The king of love has sent for me
And now you're singing over me
The Father's song

The Father's song
The Father's love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It's written on my heart

1 comment:

Natalie said...

We are still roomies at heart- I LOVE this song...