Monday, October 29, 2007

latest belly shot

i appreciate everyone's encouraging words regarding the size of my belly and how i look thus far in the pregnancy. it certainly is encouraging, despite the increasing weight. you gotta love going to the doctor and watching them move that little black thing on the scale further and futher to the right, until she finally has to move one of the BIG black things over and you've reached a new level all together! it's all good though. i know the weight gain is necessary and means the baby is growing. and i honestly praise God that the gain doens't bother me more. it's all vanity anyway...but it is a blessing, that my heart and minset aren't discouraged or too focused on it. this "little one" is growing and kicking and hiccuping (that's a weird sensation!) and i praise God for what He's doing!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

my cup runneth over

it would be easy to write about the "stuff" going on right now. i could write about justin going back to work, or how overwhelming it can be at times being a teacher, or how little projects around the house are getting done, or how josie chased a stray cat out of the yard yesterday (yes, in case you thought she couldn't run...she's still got it in her!)...

but yesterday, two things happened that seem to outweigh everything else that's currently on our plate. first, jay got to talk with a guy he works with, about Jesus! it started with, "so how long have you been a christian?" they talked the remainder of the afternoon about Jesus, going to church, and their stories to this point in life. it was such a wonderful opportunity for jay to share his faith and life with this man, who has a wife and kids, and feels like he should go back to church, he should turn to God, but he just won't. i pray the Holy Spirit continues to work in his heart and lead him to the truth and i'm so thankful for a husband who is not afraid to share that truth when given the chance.

the other awesome thing that happened, was that a man we know came to know the Lord after 20 years of being married to a christian woman, holding on to his Jewish faith, and resisting the gospel. through conflicts going on all around them, he asked his wife, "tell me who Jesus is." then he asked God to reveal clearly to him if Jesus really is who he said he was. the rest is a beautiful story of a life transformed, a man brought to life, and reborn as he said. his wife is rejoicing and on another honeymoon as she put it, to simply pray with her husband, see tears of joy streaming down his face as he prays, and to see him grow in faith and knowledge of his Lord, Jesus Christ.

simply put...despite anything overwhelming going on...or any worries or fears that may consume my mind on a daily hearing these, "my cup runneth over."

Saturday, October 20, 2007

baby movements

aside from the constant, "how are you feeling?" question, the other two major questions folks are asking me is, "what names do you have picked out?" and "have you seen the baby move?" to the first questions, yes, we have names picked out. the girl name is set, but the boy names are still up in the air. as for the latter question, yes i've seen the baby move many times. it's amazing and breathtaking to watch your belly move on its own, knowing that you're not causing it to do so. the baby inside is. but people have specifically asked if i've had one of those full body movements where you can watch a wave ripple across your belly from one side to the other as the baby turns or switches positions. i can finally say, "YES!" to that one.

we were at care group the other night and has just sung "He is Exalted." Everyone was praying and right in the middle of the prayer, i opened my eyes to watch a a large bulge ripple under my shirt from my right to my left side. as everyone sat there with eyes closed, i was wide-eyed and staring at my belly. what an amazing thing to witness! i only hope jay gets to see it sometime soon. so often the baby moves right after he's looked away. i am so thankful to feel the baby's movements. what a reassurance it is, that all is well in there. thank you Lord for that gift. the baby continues to get bigger because i can feel bigger movements now, and weird sensations right before the baby's about to move. it's amazing. there are no other words...just amazing.

Monday, October 15, 2007

baby shower

what a blessing yesterday was! my mom, sister, and two dear friends threw me a baby shower. it was perfect. i had a chance to talk with the ladies there because it wasn't too big that i couldn't see everyone. the food was fantastic. the favors were chocolate (which my sweet tooth loved)! and the diaper centerpieces were amazing. i am not all that crafty myself when it comes to stuff like that, but my one friend is amazing. she is my hero of hot glue and ribbons...and now add diapers, bottles and alphabet blocks to that list! my sister made a fantastic photographer. my other friend made adorable invitations and knows me so well, to make me feel comfortable, even when i was the center of attention opening presents (and she knows i don't necessarily like being in that position). and my mom was such a blessing. i appreciated all of her time, money and efforts to put this together for me and her grandchild to be. we were blessed with so many wonderful and useful gifts. how amazing that God provides such wondeful friends and family to help provide and get us prepared and ready for this next phase of life. Thank you Lord!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

my husband

even as i type this, the sounds of hard work can be heard from the basement and back yard. my husband is like no other. i cannot express the overflowing thankfulness i have in my heart for him. his carpal tunnel recovery has been long, frustrating at times, but also a great time of seeing God's hand. his time at home (especially these last few weeks) has also allowed him time to catch up on work around the house. not only has he been hammering away at our "to-do" list, but he has also taken over grocery shopping, making dinners, and much of the cleaning as well. what a blessing that has been for me, as i've adjusted back into teaching as a pregnant mom-to-be. his work has allowed me to take it easy when i come home. so as he goes back to work this monday, i want to make sure he knows that i not only admire and appreciate all of his hard work, but it also makes me feel so loved and cared for as well. i am so grateful to the Lord for a God-seeking, faithful, hard-working, loving husband. i am so blessed and thankful.
(and i hope i haven't embarrased him too much by writing all of this :)