Monday, October 15, 2007

baby shower

what a blessing yesterday was! my mom, sister, and two dear friends threw me a baby shower. it was perfect. i had a chance to talk with the ladies there because it wasn't too big that i couldn't see everyone. the food was fantastic. the favors were chocolate (which my sweet tooth loved)! and the diaper centerpieces were amazing. i am not all that crafty myself when it comes to stuff like that, but my one friend is amazing. she is my hero of hot glue and ribbons...and now add diapers, bottles and alphabet blocks to that list! my sister made a fantastic photographer. my other friend made adorable invitations and knows me so well, to make me feel comfortable, even when i was the center of attention opening presents (and she knows i don't necessarily like being in that position). and my mom was such a blessing. i appreciated all of her time, money and efforts to put this together for me and her grandchild to be. we were blessed with so many wonderful and useful gifts. how amazing that God provides such wondeful friends and family to help provide and get us prepared and ready for this next phase of life. Thank you Lord!

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