Friday, February 20, 2009


three posts in one day?! yes, and the reason why is because us baloches have been hit with the stomach bug! i got it first yesterday, and oma and papa watched elise for me all day so i could rest. then justin came home from work feeling terrible. we prayed our little girl wouldn't get it, but she woke up this morning having been hit. after changing her, i layed her down next to her daddy so i could strip her bed...and lo and behold, she fell back asleep. she just woke up a few minutes ago, and has since fallen back asleep on her daddy's lap. hopefully, she can sleep it off, and justin and i can rest today too.

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

Shana... I feel your pain. I just had it last week. Jon and Jake has it a few weeks ago! I suggest heavy clorox after it is gone. Good luck. We will be praying for ya guys!