Wednesday, June 16, 2010

in case you didn't know...

yes, we are pregnant!  i thought the widget on the side there was a nice touch!  we are due december 13th and find out the gender in july.  elise thinks it's just "a baby".  she can't quite grasp the boy or girl concept.  although if we talk about it long enough, she'll say it's another izie boy.  guess that's all she knows!  she's also convinced she has a baby in her belly too.  and even told daddy last night that she needed some food to feed the baby in her belly so she wouldn't feel can tell what she's been hearing me say, huh?  isaac, of course, has no idea.  but i'm hoping we can at least get him convinced there's something in there, like we did when elise was his age.  i am very excited though at this new little one on the way.  in case you haven't done the math yet, we will have three kids, ages three and under.  (yeah, i know your eyes are all big right now and you're possibly say "whew" out loud to yourself :) but we are very ok with's a bit overwhelming and scary...but having kids always is!  people will have lots of comments for us, i'm sure.  but we have felt all along that we'd like to have our kids close together.  God has been very kind to bless us with that thus far.  so if you think of it, please pray for a continued healthy pregnancy, baby and delivery...and for the upcoming transition from two kids to three...from one per parent, to being outnumbered!  and keep checking back to see the status on this cool widget! (yeah, i just like using the word "widget" cause i can!)


one wild and precious life said...

congratulations, baloche family! that is just so exciting, and a pure blessing!

Jess said...

You guys will do wonderfully with your 3 small children! They are such a blessing.