elise and i like to take early morning walks. i'm sure there are many mothers out there who have this same morning habit as well. this morning was especially nice. it was so cool outside, elise's feet were cold. i even had a sweatshirt on! there was a cool breeze blowing and i wasn't sweating by the time we got home.
we walk around the block, changing direction depending on how much sun is in her eyes. sometimes we walk around the football fields nearby. there's one spot on a neighboring street, where there are three houses close by with dogs that like to bark. you've got the pit bull on the leash, who's quite intimidating (but we're not scared anymore! plus i have an escape plan if he ever gets loose!), the white yipping dog who lives with the older couple, and then there's the house with three yippers. those dogs crack me up, because they attempt to sound quite frightening, but once you see through the fence the smallness of their stature, you almost laugh out loud!
elise gets quite serious on these walks. she looks at everything, soaking it all in, and hardly makes a peep. we noticed early on with her, that she loves being outside and seeing the trees. i don't know if it's just the color green she likes, the breeze, or if we have an outdoors girl already!
We have the same morning ritual and it is one of my favorites! It was gorgeous this morning. I will miss it this winter!
how funny! i think through escape plans for various dogs we encounter! haha
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