Saturday, July 3, 2010

day at the shore

justin had off work yesterday and though he doesn't like the shore, said we could take the kids for the day.  (thanks babe!)  neither of our children proved to be all that enthralled with the ocean.  instead, they sat and played in the sand for the ENTIRE time we were at the beach.  it was great!  isaac occasionally tried to eat a shell or two, but for the most part, he was just amazed by this giant sandbox.  elise and i made one drippy castle with wet sand down by the water, but she insisted i had to fill the buckets up each time we needed more.  i got them both wet at one point...but neither would go back.  oh's to sandy bottoms, gritty hair, and happy kids sleeping the whole way home :)

he LOVED the seagulls!

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