Monday, October 11, 2010

baloche family dinner

we got most of the baloche crew together for dinner the other night and it was quite fun just to hang out and catch up.

mom has not been able to sell this carousel horse (if you're interested, let me know!)...meanwhile, the kids love riding on it!  i absolutely adore this picture.

 eva and mara got the two younger ones playing dress up with them.  they were all characters from Little House on the Prairie.  jonas was "pa" and at one point, elise said she wanted to hide a toy so that pa couldn't get it!

 2nd cousins...isaac and clayton

the boys (make way boys, they'll be another one in 9 weeks and counting...)

 the sweet...miss you norsey and stella!

1 comment:

laura said...

such sweet much cousin fun! wish we could be there too! love you all. laura