Monday, December 6, 2010

little man 2

isaac has been my little man...but soon we will meet little man 2.  oh, contractions...they are such tricky i sit here, i'm having them off and on...and i have the desire to post just in case this is the last time i get to do so before this little bundle makes his grand entrance.  the night before elise was born, i was awakened and couldn't sleep and blogged as well.  it was funny to look back and see the timing of it all.  anyway...this little guy has already been very different than his siblings.  for one thing, i think he's going to be bigger than either of them were! (and that's saying a lot!)  his time in the womb was marked by lots of ultrasounds and extra watching that the other two did not have.  he's evidently "overly active"...which just makes me laugh.  but even as far as his entrance...he's taking his time.  he seems laid back, if i can even dare to say that already.  contractions will come...then they go away.  pressure increases...then it disappears.  it's like..."hey mom, i can't wait to meet you guys..."... "oh, but it's really nice in here too..."  Lord, give me patience.  he will come when You have deemed it time.  these are random ramblings from a mama one week out from her due date with her third...anticipating great changes...trying not to get too excited but lay low until labor is totally evident...and seeking to trust the Lord with it all.  this little guy could have gotten hand, foot, and mouth and died months ago...but God protected him.  God, You have a plan for him.  i will rest in that tonight.

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