Saturday, December 11, 2010

maurice david is here!

maurice david baloche arrived early Wednesday morning at 5:14 am, weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. and he was 20 1/4 inches long.  here's the quick break down...

1:15 am - woke up contracting; went downstairs to watch TV thinking they would taper off like the night before
2:45 am - texted justin from downstairs that he should come down; contractions had been 5 min. apart for last hour and half
3:10 am -  decided to start the phone calls to have his parents and sister come down because contractions were now 3 min. apart at times...this wasn't stopping!
4:20 am - we are loading kids and dog up to leave with oma and papa; vanessa arrives and her kids are loaded to go with oma and papa too; my contractions take a dramatic turn and start to increase in intensity and are now 3 min apart consistently...maybe even less
4:45 am - leave for the hospital now contracting A LOT
(imagine us flying down 295, then onto 73...and all three of us wondering if this baby was going to have to be delivered in the car as i'm starting to yell, "i have to push!")
5:10 am - pull up at the ER; water breaks; justin is flying down the hall pushing elevator buttons, vanessa is running behind him pushing me in the wheelchair
5:12 am - arrive in labor and delivery
5:13 am - continue pushing (not start...we've already been doing this!)
5:14 am - maurice is born!

whew!  just writing it is amazing...i can't stop reliving this in my mind...

 we are now a family of five!

and while we were making our mad rush to the hospital, 8 of the grandkids (and our dog) were hanging out with oma and papa (thank you both so much!!)...and here's what isaac was getting into (yes, that's powdered sugar)...he was evidently quite proud of himself

 we came home from the hospital on thursday, but oma and papa gave us one night just the three of us.  so the kids returned yesterday.  here's proud big sister calming her new little brother down by holding him and singing to him...

thank you to all who prayed and have played a role in helping us prepare for this new little guy.  we are so blessed to have him in our family and things are transitioning well thus far.  big question is...
who do you think he looks like???


Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

Amazing, Shana! Can't wait to talk to hear more details! Oh and he is all Justin. Congrats to all of you. Xoxo

Unknown said...

OMG! What an amazing story...adventure! We are so excited for you all. Way to go "everybody", but especially you Shana.
We think he looks like "Papa Maurice", especially in the last shot.


uncle paul

Natalie said...

WOW! I secretly dream of having a delivery like that...maybe!

mb said...

Who does he look like? Always an easy question to answer--when he smiles/laughs, he looks just like his momma and when he cries--like his dad! :- ) He's adorable-- soooo glad you made it to L&D in time. Amazing story.

Unknown said...

What a great story! So that it is over I am sure, but amazing!! Congrats and I think he looks like Justin!!

Laura said...

yay yay!! loved seeing the pictures and hearing your story again in writing - you crazy woman!! so glad he is here!! looking forward to meeting him soon!!

linda said...

Congratulations! What a story!
How precious to be named for such and amazing man.